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Offer your business a new way to create value

What we value in business


Fair employment

Stakeholder empathy 

Environmentally friendly


"We select not only best in class companies but also the ones driven by the ambition to share their success and distribute it all around.

We promote local businesses to insure them new relay of growth.

We curate specific goods and services to assist our members to choose great consumption and sustainable and lasting experiences.


Only a whole partnership will make our home, our city and our planet a better and more harmonious place to live."

Wellness Products

Service Action

Create a special action and get advertised on our different social media account: Blog, Facebook, Instagram and Newsletter.

We are more than open to do cross communication.

Eg: Florist, social organization, environmental association, test for partnership upgrade...

Product Placement

Advertise on the next space. Contact us and bring samples of your products directly on the table of our clients for optimal reach. We can follow up with a newsletter feature and Social Media.

Eg: Hygiene and beauty care, food and beverage, home and deco...


Let's go for longterm and create a yearly agreement to boost your sale with ongoing communication of your service to our client base.

Eg: handyman, food delivery, interior designer, organizer, fitness trainer, dry cleaner...

Image by Adan Guerrero

Real Estate

We are the only all-in-one home service going passed our clients door to handle and deliver home value.

Reach out and let's see how we can insure the great maintenance of your assets while boosting your tenants' stay experience.

They Trusted Us

What about working together?

Your Information
Company Information
Partner Form

We Simplify your Home Life

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Mary and Jarvis UG


Mittelweg 31, 60318 Frankfurt am Main

SN: 045/239/24044

©2024 by Mary & Jarvis

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Alumni Class 19-20 of the Founder Institut accelerator Frankfurt

Further Information

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