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  • Will I always have the same Majar?
    Yes, our staff are here for the long-term to guarantee the best quality possible. To consider, the start of the service may be done by different profiles in cooperation with you to make sure you are comfortable with the person coming into your home and or for reorganization purpose. In case of vacation or illness, we will offer you the choice of a substitute. The substitute will have the same degree of training and skills, and will have been briefed upon the visit to be able to adapt to your home and requirements.
  • What activities are offered?
    In addition to the usual Indoor Care home keeping service (cleaning, ironing, folding, tyding up), Mary & Jarvis offers you the following services: Extra services such as cleaning outside windows Holiday Relief: watering plants, feeding your pets, declutter your mailbox, home check, in home delivery. Craftmen service: painter, electrician, handyman, gardener, small move out within the city. Participate in sustainable actions: rechannel your unwanted belongings for a second purpose with charity social organisations. Lifestyle Service coordination: Yoga teacher, interior designer, home organizer, fitness trainer.
  • Is there a minimum of hours to start the service?
    In order to guarantee optimal quality, and thanks to our experience feedback, we have chosen to limit the number of daily interventions of our Majars. This sets at 2h00 the minimum service duration per visit.
  • Is there a prior visit to make?
    Yes ! In order to personalize our service with your habits we do a first “rendez-vous” at your apartment, free of charge with an Area Coordinator. Feel free to book it.
  • Do I need to provide cleaning products?
    For convenience our Majar will use the cleaning products and cloths on site and not bring anything with them. We are in charge of the restocking and we will favor eco-friendly options to benefit your home and our Majars.
  • Do I have to provide the necessary materials for the household?
    Yes ! Mary & Jarvis is part of an ecological approach and 100% of trips are made by public transport. For this reason, we do not offer to bring equipment (vacuum cleaner, mops...) on site and use the ones that you own already. We can however offer advices if you wish to replace the own you have.
  • How to set up additional activities?
    Our range of additional services, whether recurring or punctual, are directly set up by Mary & Jarvis. Get in touch by email and make sure to describe your desire with as much details as possible. We do our best to schedule your additional service as soon as possible (ideally for your next visit but depends on the request).
  • How do you manage my home keys?
    Keys are managed following the client's will. Some prefer to open the door to their Majar before leaving to work in the morning, some give us their keys after the first service, some as freelance work at home and we only get the keys to take out the trash and put them back on their counter.
  • Do I have to be there when activities are performed?
    No, you can leave your keys to us. Your Majar will be perfectly autonomous.
  • Are my belongings insured?
    Yes we are insured against damages with Generalli Deutschland with our Betriebs-Haftpflichtversicherung amounting to up to 3.000.000,00€
  • Can I cancel/postpone a service?
    You can of course cancel/postpone one of our Service whenever. However the sooner the better. The organization of our staff is what makes our business successful. Our cancellation conditions are as follows (fees are calculated on the basis of your normal visit hours): Up to 2 Calendar days before your next visit: no cancelling or rescheduled fee will be incurred. 48 hours before your next visit: 50% of cancelling or recheduled fee will be incurred. Less than 24 hours before your next visit: 100% of cancelling or rescheduled fee will be incurred
  • How can I terminate the service of Mary & Jarvis ?
    If you feel like terminating our service, notify us by a simple email and the service will end two rolling weeks after the termination email has been received and confirmed.
  • What are the registration / termination fees?
    There are none! At Mary & Jarvis, we consider that access to the service as well as its termination have no reason to be billed.
  • Who are the Majar?
    Majars are our employee and homekeeper insuring that your needs are covered. They have experience either in the hotel industry or already as homekeeper with at least 1 year of experience. They have access to ongoing training and review. Our feedback is also important for us to know where to improve.
  • Werde Ich jedesmal den selben Majar haben?
    Ja, unsere Majars sind bei uns festangestellt und wir bieten Kontinuitaet um den besten Service zu bieten. In Ausnahmefaellen, wie zum Beispiel bei Urlaub oder Krankheit, schicken wir Ihnen einen einmaligen Ersatz-Majar, der aber selbstverstaendlich die gleiche Ausbildung und Faehigkeiten wie Ihr ueblicher Majar besitzt. Unser Majar Koordinator stellt sicher, dass jeder Majar, der zu Ihnen kommt, sich perfekt in Ihrem Haus und mit seinen Aufgaben zurechtfindet.
  • Welche Aktivitaeten werden angeboten?
    Zusaetzlich zu der Reinigung Ihres Hauses, bieten Mary & Jarvis Ihnen gerne auch noch folgende Angebote an: - Buegeln - Kleider waschen und trocknen - Kleider zusammen legen und verstauen - Kuehlschrankreinigung - Ofenreinigung - Fenster putzen - Urlaubsreinigung - Pflanzenversorgung - Kleider zur Reinigung bringen und abholen - Recycling - Postgaenge fuer Pakete und Briefe - Fuettern von Haustieren - Finden von vertrauenswuerdigen Babysittern - Und noch vieles mehr…
  • Kann ich einen Erstbesuch erwarten?
    Ja, damit wir unseren Service auf sie persoenlich ausrichten koennen, trift sich unser Majar Koordinator gerne auf einen Erstbesuch mit Ihnen bei sich zu Hause.
  • Kann Ich einen Service absagen?
    Unsere Konditionen sind wie folgt (die Gebuehren werden wie bei Ihrem geplanten Besuch berechnet): 5 Tage vor dem geplanted Besuch: keine Stornierungsgebuehr oder Aenderungsgebuehr 4 bis 2 Tage vor dem geplanten Besuch: 50% Stornierungsgebuehr oder Aenderungsgebuehr Weniger als 48 Stunden vor dem geplanted Besuch: 100% Stornierungsgebuehr oder Aenderungsgebuehr
  • Wie nehme ich Ihr ‘Essential Deliveries’ Angebot in Betracht?
    Unser Angebot von ‘essential deliveries’ – ob einmalig oder auch wiederholt – koennen Sie ganz einfach direct bei Mary & Jarvis beantragen. Sie muessen nur eine SMS oder Email mit Ihrem Wunsch an uns schicken und wir versuchen das Moeglichste Ihren Wunsch zeitgemaes zu erfuellen.
  • Muss Ich die notwendigen Reinigungsmittel und Geraete zur Verfuegung stellen?
    Ja. Mary & Jarvis versucht stets so umweltfreundlich wie moeglich zu sein und deshalb werden 100% aller unserer Besuche mit oeffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln getaetigt. Aus diesem Grund koennen wir keine Reinigungsgeraete (Staubsauger…) mitbringen und benutzen so gerne die von Ihnen vorhandenen. Wir geben auch gerne Rat wenn es um Geraete geht.
  • Muss Ich die notwendigen Reinigungsmittel und Geraete zur Verfuegung stellen?
    Ja. Mary & Jarvis versucht stets so umweltfreundlich wie moeglich zu sein und deshalb werden 100% aller unserer Besuche mit oeffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln getaetigt. Aus diesem Grund koennen wir keine Reinigungsgeraete (Staubsauger…) mitbringen und benutzen so gerne die von Ihnen vorhandenen. Wir geben auch gerne Rat wenn es um Geraete geht.
  • Wie funktioniert das mit Ihrem ‘Essential Delieveires’ Angebot?
    Sie koennen uns einfach per Email Ihre Wuensche zukommen lassen und wir werden diese wo moeglich in unseren naechsten Besuch miteinplanen. Wenn zum Beispiel Kleider in die Reinigung gebracht werden muessen, werden wir diese bei unserem Besuch mitnehmen/ wieder mitbringen.
  • Wie mache Ich das mit meinem Haustuerschluessel?
    Wir richten uns da ganz nach Ihnen. Sie koennen uns gerne einen Schluessel nach unserem ersten Kennenlernbesuch uebergeben, oder uns einfach an dem Morgen der Reinigung die Tuer aufmachen bevor sie Ihren Taetigkeiten nachgehen. Natuerlich arbeiten wir auch gerne wenn Sie zu Hause sind.
  • Muss Ich waehrend der Reinigung vor Ort sein?
    Nein, sie koennen uns gerne Ihren Schluessel uebergeben. Ihr Majar ist es gewohnt selbststaendig zu arbeiten.
  • How does the invoicing work?
    You will receive an invoice per email at the end of the month's last service. The invoice is directly payable via the link provided in the email and a pdf version can be saved for your own bookeeping.
  • How do I pay?
    You can pay via bank transfer, Paypal or Credicard
  • When is payment due?
    Our services are charged at the end of your last service of the month. You are billed for the current month. You will receive an invoice in your email address of choice and have 14 days to pay it.
  • What happens if I forget to pay on time?
    You have 14-days to pay your invoice. If you forget to do so a 10% penalty will be charged for every 14 weeks of delay.
  • Is the payment secured?
    It is! We use the payment platform Stripe, today it is the number 1 online payment provider in the world. Stripe is PC1 Level 1 certified, the highest level of security at the moment. The data is encrypted in AES 256 bits and connections are via https (SSL). We never access your card or account numbers. Stripe simply gives us access to your account but are the only holders of this sensitive information. To use such service an extra 2.5% financial fee is incurred to your invoice.
  • Is there a minimum of consumption?
    In order to guarantee optimal quality, and thanks to our experience feedback, we have chosen to limit the number of daily interventions of our Majars. This sets at 2h the minimum service per visit.
  • How can I terminate the service of Mary & Jarvis ?
    Without any administrative difficulty since it is enough to notify us your will by email.
  • When is payment due?
    Our services are charged at the end of your last service of the month. You are billed for the current month. You will receive an invoice in your email address of choice and have 14 days to pay it.
  • What are the registration / termination fees?
    There are none! At Mary & Jarvis, we consider that access to the service as well as its termination have no reason to be billed.
  • Is there a management fee?
    There is no management fee. The hourly rate of your housekeeper includes everything. You do not pay any extra!
  • Is the payment secured?
    It is! We use the payment platform Stripe, today it is the number 1 online payment provider in the world. Stripe is PC1 Level 1 certified, the highest level of security at the moment. The data is encrypted in AES 256 bits and connections are via https (SSL). We never access your card or account numbers. Stripe simply gives us access to your account but are the only holders of this sensitive information. To use such service an extra 2.5% financial fee is incurred to your invoice.
  • What happens if I forget to pay on time?
    You have 14-days to pay your invoice. If you forget to do so a 10% penalty will be charged.

We Simplify your Home Life

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Mary and Jarvis UG


Mittelweg 31, 60318 Frankfurt am Main

SN: 045/239/24044

©2024 by Mary & Jarvis

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Alumni Class 19-20 of the Founder Institut accelerator Frankfurt

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